Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Vision of Students Today

A Vision of Students Today
I watched the video called A Vision of Students Today and was blown away by some of the statistics. Although this video is much like my college life now, I didn't realize how much of this stuff was going on. It is amazing to me to think that we pay so much for college but yet many do not put in the effort. Also, we spend much more time on facebook than we do online for school work. One of the statistics from the video was, I complete 49% of the readings assigned to me. This is amazing and I wonder if students would be more inclind to read their assignments if they were on the computer?To me it seems that many students go to college for all the right reasons and have intentions to do the assignments. But I believe that students today need to be taught differently. We need to be taught with the growing technology because when we get out of school, we are going to need those skills to get a job.
In addition, another statistic caught my eye, 18% of my teachers know my name. This is crazy to me! Teachers need to know their students names but it is almost impossible due to the large classes. If we are going to continue with the classroom setting then colleges need to lower the student to teacher ratio. With large classrooms it makes it hard for the students to get one on one help from their teacher, which can be very important. Instead of having a one on one talk in person, you now have a one on one talk through e-mail. This just is not the same.
At the end of the video it is mentioned that some think technology can save us. I believe that in a way this is true. Our society has gotten to the point where everything revolves around the computer or their cell phones. If teachers start using the computer for their lessons then the students will benefit from it. I feel that college students are likely to learn more while in front of a computer rather than in front of a book. Now, this may be a scary thought to some of you but it is the truth. We are now a technology based society and its only getting worse. Its out with the old and in with the new. No more books and handouts, strictly e-mails, blogs, and podcasts. Now this change will be very helpful for some students but horrible for others. I am still a strong believer in having help from your teacher in person. But there are many students who are not stimulated to learn unless they are in front of their computer. Therefore, I do believe that technology alone may save us.


  1. I really enjoyed your blog. I to think that technology is the key. And is going to help us in the long run.

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog and I definately agree with you about technology and how significant it is.
