Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This Is How We Dream

Today I listened to Richard Miller's This Is How We Dream: Parts 1 and 2. These videos were about multimedia prints. He talks about how much is possible with multimedia documents. He states that this is not like the library anymore, where once you leave its gone but, with multimedia if you exit out of the site, its still there. Therefore, its always accessible.

Miller also talked about how you can compose moving image based material on the computer. He says this is an incrimintal change and not a fundamental change. I feel that if I were given the directions and resources to create these type of documents on the computer that I would be able to do so. I also feel that my student would be as well. When given the instruction and resources the students will succeed. I believe this is due to the fact that they are introduced to technology at such an early age now.

Part two talks about being able to compose on iTunes U. Educators are now able to post online lectures and share information with not only students but teachers as well. Also, with multimedia we can broadcast our information world wide. For example, teachers can teach to students on the other side of the U.S. I feel that this will be beneficial for me as a teacher. I would like to record my lectures for students to be able to listen to whenever they need to. This is also a great tool for students because they can access information when needed.

Multimedia production has grown so much and I feel that teachers and students should take advantage of the wide variety of ways to compose information on the web. We can use blogs, iTunes U, Facebook, and many more. Miller states, "its fascinating, how could we not be excited about this?" I agree how can we not? We have so many more resources to teach with than ever before. So we need to take advantage of it.

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